Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The indispensable Script Doctor

A Script doctor is very similar to a medical doctor in many ways; their major difference is their patient. A script doctor can diagnose accurately the diseased areas in a screenplay just by reading through and that’s not all; she always has a cure.

All she does is look out for symptoms or weakness of the screenplay which could fall in any of the category below.
The symptoms are:
1.       Original idea and audience appeal.
2.       Character and character development
3.       Story structure and forward movement
4.       Plotting and change points
5.       Suspense and surprise
6.       Visual storytelling
7.       Dialogue (Is it too much?  Too little? On the nose? or Just right?)
8.       Scenes and style.
9.       Layout

Once that is done, she applies just the right treatment to correct the weaknesses and there before your eyes is a film to remember.

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