Friday, April 20, 2012

Felled by a Police

Born to a modest family, Fred, 24years old university graduate has always nursed the ambition of becoming a pilot but like some dreams; lack of money often truncate them. Fred was however tenacious, temping, saving money for over 6 years, until he got a terrestrial angel who added to his saved pilot school tuition fee. In a week, Fred will be flying out of the country to resume school, living his dream and there is no way to measure whose joy was greater between his or his mother. His siblings were all happy for him.

In the early hours of an Environmental Sanitation Saturday, Fred and his friends choose to play football on the deserted street after doing a little cleaning. Not long afterwards, a police van pulls to a stop, three police officers jumped out, backing at the boys; ‘why did you block the road? The boys stop playing, each trying to pick up the stones serving as goal post on the ground. Fred was closest to them and one police officer grabs him as he bends over to pick up the stones, barking out the same question.

Before Fred could respond, he has been kicked and pushed to the ground by another police officer. Fred’s friends watch from a safe distance as Fred protests on ground, wondering what his offence was. Fred’s outburst further infuriated the police officers, kicking and stripping him naked. Fred is now screaming, all bruises and blood. On a final note, one police officer, pulled the trigger, shot Fred dead, they all entered the van and zoom off.

The mother wailed, the family mourned, friends tweet, media flashed the news mildly, IG of Police claimed, Fred assaulted his men and the suspected police officer claimed it was a stray bullet in court. The killer police was later discharged and acquitted for lack of inadequate evidence.

There are so many Freds whose life has been cut short and their killers are walking free. To stop this menace, share your story and send pictures of the deceased to or upload photos and share a Fred’s story here.

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