Monday, February 22, 2010

Walk for Screenwriters

Kate was an ambitious and passionate writer whose dream is to write screenplays for famous producers and directors when she came to Lagos. She met two or three producers who read her scripts and returned it because the story didn’t work for them. Kate could stake her life on it that the producers used her story but since she doesn’t have the financial muscle to fight legally, she left the screenwriting career on the shelf for good.
That is the story of many Nigerian aspiring writers but I am one of the few blessed one who didn’t get ripped off at the inception. I am so blessed that my first writing engagement fee was a verbal contract and the man paid on the due date.
Many years have passed but cases of rip off still happens everyday. I feel that every writer’s journey doesn’t have to be stalled by fraudsters and sequel to that,, a screenwriting agency was born to be the first contact point for green screenwriters.
The vision is to provide a sense of direction for their lives and an assurance about the future. If is to do a walk-protest, banners will have slogans like, ‘don’t dupe screenwriters’, ‘screenwriters; the foundation of every movie’ and stuffs like that.
The walk has begun already, so call on every Kate you know to remove their screenwriting skills off the shelf, dust it and bring it to the altar of creativity and competence and character.
“For every screenwriter who has a story to tell, your voice will be heard”.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Between Actors and Screenwriters

Screenwriting, aside from being a solitary work is also a behind the scene work. A screenwriter functions in the back stage and gets a closing screen credit which is written in small print and made to scroll up very quickly before the eyes can pick out the names.

These days however, a writer/producer ensures that the name is bolder and gets a place in the opening credit. That’s a milestone really. In Nollywood, very few producers accord the screenwriter, the respect he deserves, so getting a paltry sum for a screenplay is common place. Not so with the actors.

Because the actor takes the centre stage and has a large fan base, he enjoys fame and fortune. The temptation is there for a screenwriter to want to change career and take on the actor’s garb in a bid to get fame and fortune.

The differences between an actor and a screenwriter

1. Actors reign for a season while a screenwriter reigns through seasons.

2. The earning rate between an actor and a screenwriter is 7:3

3. An actor’s reigning season could last for as long as 5years whereas a screenwriter’s relevance could last for 30years.

4. An actor’s fame and fortune decline with his age but a screenwriter’s dexterity increases with age.

5. Most famous actors are young, sexy and good looking while a famous screenwriter could be an old nerd man.

So screenwriters occupy the back stage to write screenplays that make an actor famous and occupy the center stage. We know our roles are different and we grumble not at our seemingly obscure profession. We are content with our calling as screenwriters, taking the backstage.

Ultimately, our fame resonates amongst executive producers who value our expertise.